joi, 20 septembrie 2012

TOP 10 most valuable brands in the world

TOP 10 most valuable brands in the world

Apple is the most valuable brand in the world, valued at over $ 100 billion, followed away from Coca-Cola and Microsoft, according to a top made of eurobrand, that the most valuable 10 brands in the world belong to American companies.

  Cel mai valoros brand din afara Americii este China Mobile, care se plasează abia locul 11 în topul global, cu o valoare estimată la 43,98 miliarde de dolari.
LVHM (Luis Vuitton Moet Hennessy)  este compania europeană cu cele mai de valoare mărci, evaluate la 34,3 miliarde de dolari, pe locul 14 în top, căreia îi urmează Vodafone, 28,57 miliarde dolari, pe poziţia a 17-a, şi brandurile producătorului de bere ABInBev, cu 28 miliarde de dolari, pe locul 19.
Compania austriacă eurobrand, înregistrată la Viena, este specializată în servicii de consultanţă şi evaluare a mărcilor şi patentelor.

Top 10 starts with Apple, Coca-Cola ($ 59.97 billion) and Microsoft ($ 53.97 billion), followed by IBM ($ 52.63 billion), who exchanged places with Google (50.6 billion dollars).

In sixth place is found cigarette manufacturer Philip Morris ($ 48.3 billion), which rose to 10th place, followed by Procter & Gamble ($ 47.14 billion) and McDonald's ($ 45.84 billion) in down from six.

Top 10 global brands is concluded by Johnson & Johnson ($ 44.66 billion), which rose from 11th position, and U.S. telecom operator AT & T ($ 44.94 billion).

Pepsi came out of the top 10, ranked 12, with a brand value estimated at $ 41.56 billion.

Apple has registered the steepest increase in the estimated value of the brand, with 43.9%, while the average top 100 indicates an advance of 5%. The steep fall in the value of HP brand was registered minus 28.3%. Samsung rival Apple grew by 39.7%, to $ 23 billion, rising from number 44 to enter position in the top 24.

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