Michael Jackson's mother Confirmed details previously Reported by CNN suggest That SHE WAS tricked into flying to Arizona spa year INSTEAD of attending a concert by HER Sons in New Mexico last month, court documents Reveal.
Katherine Jackson's cell phone and iPad Were Taken From Her at the spa and the TV and phone in HER room Were disabled, preventing HER from calling home or knowing about the public Controversy about HER Disappearance, Jackson said in a sworn statement filed in court Thursday.
The 82-year-old Jackson family matriarch WAS out of touch with Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson for 10 days, leading to a missing-person report and the suspension of Her guardianship of Michael Jackson's children, WHOM SHE HAS Raised since Their father's death Three years ago.
Complete coverage on the Jackson family
"At the time, I trusted people to Be honest with me," Jackson said. "While I was away, I HAD no reason to question Whether the people WHOM I Placed the trust Would inform me That Prince, Paris and Blanket Were trying to reach me."
Thos people included four of Her Children - Janet, Jermaine, Randy and Rebbie Jackson - HER According to lawyers and others Involved in the events. Her Other Children, Including La Toya, Tito, Marlon and Jackie, have said they Did not know WHERE WAS Taken off their mother.
A Judge HER restored as guardian in a hearing Thursday, partly based on HER SHE WAS sworn statement explaining Why out of contact, description of what CNN Reported That mirrors after HER Nephew filed a missing-person report on July 21.
The drama began on July 14, the day the before SHE WAS in the year to leave the RV to see Jackson's "Unity" on the next show in Albuquerque Tuesday, She Said.
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"A doctor WAS That Brought to my home stating he ever had Been in contact with my personal physician and longtime WAS coming to check on me Because my personal physician WAS unavailable," Jackson said. "The doctor advised That it WAS better for me to fly and note drive to New Mexico. Believing That the doctor WAS sent at the request of my longtime personal physician, I FOLLOWED what I Understood to Be a doctor's orders and boarded the flight as opposed to driving in the motor home. "
The doctor, Dr. Allan Metzger Identified I, Was Not sent by Jackson's personal physician, lawyer Sandra Ribera Jackson Told
"We cam to find out That the doctor has no association with Dr. Metzger," she said.
Metzger's previous connection to the Jackson family of Michael Jackson included over HIS Treatment Nearly two decades for insomnia, HIS Testimony According to Dr. Murray at last year's involuntary manslaughter trial. A call to Metzger's Beverly Hills, California, office Went unreturned Friday.
INSTEAD of landing in New Mexico, the plane Went to Tucson and Katherine Jackson WAS driven to the Miraval Spa, According to HER affidavit.
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"Based on what I believed to Be the orders of the office of my longtime personal physician, my phone WAS Taken away," Jackson said. Her iPad Taken WAS Also, She Said.
"While There Was a telephone in my room, the telephone Was Not functioning and I Could not dial out," she said. "In Addition, There WAS no picture on the television in my room. Split with repeated requests to Thos me to have it fixed, the television WAS never fixed."
Without a TV, phone or iPad, SHE WAS HER granddaughter unaware That WAS HER posting desperate pleas on Twitter for help in finding off her account.
Paris Jackson, 14, tweeted on July 22, "yes, my Grandmother is missing" and "I haven't spoken with in a week i want HER HER home now." Hours earlier, Trent Jackson Nephew filed a missing-person report for HIS aunt.
Katherine Jackson said SHE WAS did have one clue Something amiss, though: "One morning I woke up to the sound of the television," she said. "While There WAS no picture, I Heard That broadcast has stated I was missing."
"When I Asked about Prince, Paris and Blanket, I was Informed by Thos who I was with That they ever had Been in contact with others Concerning the well-being of my grandchildren," Jackson said. "I was never Informed That Prince, Paris and Blanket TJ Were trying to reach me."
IF SHE HAD known, She Said, "I Would never have gone for a long Sucha Period of time without communicating with Them."
Executives at the Miraval Resort, Where Jackson stayed, Did not Immediately respond to CNN calls for comment about Their role in the events.
When Katherine Jackson Returned home early July 26, She learned the details of what WAS happening at home and in the worldwide news media from Prince, Paris and Blanket.
"Although I am happy my Grandma Returned WAS, after speaking with HER I Realized how badly misguided and how SHE WAS lied to," That morning Prince Jackson tweeted. "I'm really angry and hurt."
Katherine Jackson is planning Another trip this month, But Will the children go with Her, She Said In Her statement.
The Family Will travel to Gary, Indiana, for the celebration of Michael Jackson's 54th birthday.
always will love you M.J.
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